Development team


Boldare’s digital product development teams will help you conceptualize your idea, design and build the first version of your product, find a product-market fit, and develop a scalable web product.

Our agile development team will take you through the full cycle of product development using a lean startup approach. Thanks to the lean methodology our teams can develop a product within as little as 4 weeks so you can enter the market quickly and start testing with real users.

Do you need development team?
Let’s find out how we can help.

Dedicated Product Development Teams

Dedicated Product Development Teams

Boldare’s dedicated agile dev teams will help you strategize, ideate with prototypes, design and develop software for your MVP, find a product-market fit and scale your web product using a lean approach to product development.

Our teams have all the skills required to build the product and help you reach your business goals:

    Prototyping team

    The prototyping team will get to know your business goals and help you conceptualize the product by designing and developing low-fidelity or high-fidelity prototypes. They will test the prototypes with users to check basic assumptions about the product and business which will help at the MVP stage. They will advise you on the best course of further product development.


    • Minimizing the risk, of failure in the long run.
    • Tackling real customer needs,, with empathy, in an innovative way.
    • Conducting small experiments., Because the experiments are small, the risk is low.


    • Prototyping techniques, (Design Thinking, Wireframing)
    • KISS techniques, (Keep it Simple, Stupid)
    • Business analysis
    • Testing methods and tools
    • Design sprints

    Specific attributes

    • Openness, to failure and risk.
    • Quick decision,-making.
    • Balancing the measurable, and the unmeasurable (emotions, connotations, habits).


    • Design culture - a system where design can thrive - making design everyone’s job.
    • A culture of experimentation
    • Openness to bold ideas, and sometimes, big missteps.


    Ideate, build rapidly, test, learn, throw out, build again.


    • JavaScript, Angular, React, Design tools: InVision, Flinto, Framer.js, Figma, .Net, HTML, Bootstrap, Foundation

    Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Team

    Getting the product to market as quickly as possible to gather feedback from users, helping to improve the product or pivot.


    • Testing a product hypothesis with minimal resources.
    • Solving the problem with the most basic solution.
    • Designing and developing the first version of the product.
    • Gathering the first round of feedback from the customers.

    Specific attributes

    • Oriented towards achieving business goals.
    • Focused on delivering the product to market.
    • Always looking for simplest and quickest solutions.


    • Business Model Canvas technique
    • Product vision
    • Product discovery tools and methods
    • Impact mapping
    • Human-centred design
    • Business transformation
    • Innovation strategy
    • New venture design
    • Design sprints

    Team roles

    • Frontend
    • Backend
    • Visual
    • Interaction
    • UX Designer
    • Product
    • Business
    • DevOps
    • Qualitative/ Quantitative
      Design Researcher
    • Digital
    • Scrum


    • Pro-risk environment.
    • Agility.
    • Business goals oriented.
    • Perfectionism is the biggest enemy.


    • JavaScript, Angular, Vue.js, React, Node.js, TypeScript, .Net


    Enter the market with maximum speed and minimum cost.

    Product-Market Fit Team

    The Product-Market Fit team plans and executes product tests, analyzes the results and draws conclusions, and applies them to product iterations or pivots. The team’s designers and developers will build new product features and test them with users. They will help you to grow an in-house culture of testing and making data-driven product decisions.


    • Validated learning: seeking hypotheses, designing and running experiments.
    • Interpreting experiment results and advising on the growth engine and product strategy.
    • Designing and engineering the product’s technical architecture to be quickly changeable and adaptable.
    • Controlling and limiting the technical debt to ready the product for quick scaling.

    Specific attributes

    • Tech knowledge prioritization.
    • Focused on analytics and drawing meaningful conclusions.


    • Digital product development
    • Software & app development
    • Quality assurance
    • Product-Market Fit Canvas
    • Quantitative research
    • Data visualization & reporting
    • Data architecture

    Team roles

    • Frontend
    • Backend
    • Visual
    • Interaction
    • UX Designer
    • Product
    • Business
    • DevOps
    • Quality
    • Digital
    • Scrum
    • Information
    • Agile Coach
    • Qualitative/ Quantitative
      Design Researcher


    • Culture of experimentation.
    • Driven by business needs.


    • Web: Angular, React, Vue.js, .Net, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML
    • Backend/API: PHP, Java, Node.js, Express.js, Python, .Net
    • Mobile: React-Native, Swift, Objective-C, Android (Java), Xamarin (.NET)
    • Machine learning: Python
    • Mobile: MongoDB, Postgres


    Data-driven and tech-savvy agile development.

    Scale & Maturity Team

    The Scale & Maturity development team will engineer the product for scalability and stability. Additionally, they will advise you on how to set up processes in your company that will allow you to grow your product sustainably in the future, avoiding pitfalls such as accumulating technical debt.


    • Horizontal and vertical expansion of the product.
    • Engineering the product for scalability.
    • Engineering the product for stability.
    • Setting up automated regression testing.
    • Polishing the existing functionalities.



    • Web: Angular, React, Vue.js, JavaScript, HTML
    • Backend/API: PHP, Java, Node.js, Express.js, Python
    • Mobile: React-Native, Swift, Objective-C, Android (Java), Xamarin (.NET)
    • Machine learning: Python
    • Mobile: MongoDB, Postgres

    Team roles

    • Frontend
    • Backend
    • Visual
    • Interaction
    • UX Designer
    • Product
    • Business
    • DevOps
    • Quality
    • Digital
    • Scrum
    • Information
    • Agile Coach
    • Qualitative/ Quantitative
      Design Researcher


    • Quality and scalability
    • Agility

    Specific attributes

    • Technical knowledge is a priority.


    Incremental, high-impact wins over short-term goals.

    Clients about
    our teams

    Norbert Bauman, sonnen

    We enjoy the input from each individual team member about the technology, content, and design. This feedback gives us the chance to get in touch with new ideas that you can’t see if you have been involved in the same company for years.

    Looking for the development team?

    Let’s find out how we can help.

    Work of our teams

    Read our latest articles and explore the fascinating world of new advancements in technology and how it impacts the businesses around the world.

    How we build
    our teams

    We form our teams around three principles: people who have worked together in the past, people who have all the skills required to complete the job, and people with a mixture of seniority.

    People who have worked together in the past:

    We know how time and money are important to you and that is why we put great care into quickly reaching the high performance stage of team development. When forming a team for your product, we will look for at least two members who have worked together in the past so they can help the team skip the forming and storming stages and deliver value for your business quicker.

    Skilled, self-organizing people:

    Across the years we’ve learnt that skilled, self-organizing teams are the most efficient product development teams. Our teams are not groups of individuals who want to complete their tasks but units with complementary soft and hard skills that can deliver what is needed to reach your business goals.

    People with a mixture of seniority:

    Having delivered over 300 digital products over 18 years, we know that a stellar product needs a team that can innovate, think fresh and at the same time provide stable development and quality. Forming a team with a balance between experienced team members and juniors allows us to release cutting-edge, scalable products that fulfil users’ needs.



    Problem identification

    We identify your problem and select the development team with the necessary skills to help you achieve your business goals.

    The team gets to know the product vision during workshops and proposes a bespoke solution that will evolve thanks to a lean startup approach.



    The team starts prototyping, helping you test your assumptions, refine your ideas and turn them into a tangible object, all within the Scrum framework.

    The team already begins testing the product-market fit, getting your prototype to real users and collecting feedback for a minimum viable product (MVP).


    Product development

    The Scrum team develops an MVP according to the build-measure-learn principle and looks for a product-market fit to fulfil your business goals.

    You receive a working increment of the product with every sprint (1-2 weeks) so you can easily track progress, release often and change direction when necessary.

    You have the full control over scope and budget at all time thanks to an agile approach to software development.

    The team, with agile coach on board, helps you to develop processes in-house so you can sustainably grow the product on your own in the future.


    Sustainable growth

    You have a scalable product that fits the market well and a business model that is sustainable.

    Your company and in-house team has the processes and competences to grow your business further.
      • Problem identification

        We identify your problem and select the development team with the necessary skills to help you achieve your business goals.

        The team gets to know the product vision during workshops and proposes a bespoke solution that will evolve thanks to a lean startup approach.
      • Ideation

        The team starts prototyping, helping you test your assumptions, refine your ideas and turn them into a tangible object, all within the Scrum framework.

        The team already begins testing the product-market fit, getting your prototype to real users and collecting feedback for a minimum viable product (MVP).
      • Product development

        The Scrum team develops an MVP according to the build-measure-learn principle and looks for a product-market fit to fulfil your business goals.

        You receive a working increment of the product with every sprint (1-2 weeks) so you can easily track progress, release often and change direction when necessary.

        You have the full control over scope and budget at all time thanks to an agile approach to software development.

        The team, with agile coach on board, helps you to develop processes in-house so you can sustainably grow the product on your own in the future.
      • Sustainable growth

        You have a scalable product that fits the market well and a business model that is sustainable.

        Your company and in-house team has the processes and competences to grow your business further.

      How can we help you?

      Let us know what your needs are, and we will do our best to help you. It's just two simple steps!



      Anna Sokołow


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      • Hiring a Team
      • Team Augmentation
      • Building or Consulting a Product
      • AI Product Development
      • Something else

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      Full Product
      Development Cycle

      Boldare’s seasoned teams can assist at each stage of innovation. With experts on board who can advise on the best course of action, Boldare will guide you through your digital product journey.


      Product Design
      and Development

      Boldare’s experienced specialists will look after every aspect of your product, from design and development, to DevOps, tech stack consulting and usability testing.


      AI Services

      Together with Boldare’s experts discover how AI services can be tailored to address challenges across various industries, simplifying problem-solving and enhancing efficiency.



      Whether you’re looking to disrupt your department or entire industry Boldare teams will show you how you can make it happen.
