Home Blog Software Development In-house vs. Outsourcing: Which solution is more efficient organizationally?

In-house vs. Outsourcing: Which solution is more efficient organizationally?

2025 is approaching faster than you might realize. That’s why, at Boldare, September is the time of year when we start planning for the future, focusing on goals, outcomes, and, of course, budgets. We aim to assess our organizational efforts to ensure that next year will be better and more efficient in every way. Today, I want to offer some insights and a bit of inspiration regarding software development investments. Take a look inside to see our infographic, where we compare the organizational efficiency of building in-house software development teams versus hiring a ready-made team from a company like ours. Enjoy!

In-house vs. Outsourcing: Which solution is more efficient organizationally?

Table of contents

Here’s the infographic:

In-house vs. Outsourcing
In-house vs. Outsourcing

Transcription of infographic content

In-house vs. Outsourcing: It’s not rocket science!

A quick guide to the business efficiency of in-house and outsourced software development.

In-house vs. Outsourcing Efficiency - A Timeline

This infographic compares the productivity over time between hiring an in-house developer and using an outsourcing company like Boldare.


  • Vertical Axis: Represents productivity, with “Full productivity” marked.
  • Horizontal Axis: Represents time, marked by “1st month,” “6th month,” and “2 years.”

Boldare (Outsourcing) Path (Purple Line):

  • Begins with recruitment and quickly moves to onboarding.
  • Rapid transition to full efficiency; developer ready to work almost immediately.
  • Maintains full productivity from the 1st month to 2 years.
  • Contract termination is flexible, requiring only brief notice.

In-House Development Path (Red Line):

  • Starts with recruitment and moves to onboarding, which takes longer.
  • Full productivity is reached by the 6th month, indicating a slower ramp-up.
  • Ends with contract termination, involving an extended notice period.

Comparison Insights:

  • Outsourcing reaches full productivity faster (by 1st month) than in-house (by 6th month).
  • Outsourcing offers more flexibility with quicker contract termination.

Comparison: In-House vs. Outsourced Development Teams

In-house Development Team:

  • Recruitment: Complex, time-consuming, requires internal technical knowledge.
  • Onboarding: Lengthy, involves integration into company culture, tools, and standards.
  • Employment Costs: High, including leave, training, equipment, and risk of turnover.
  • Termination: Extended notice period, complicated by labor laws.
  • Quality Control: Requires internal resources and processes.

Outsourced Development Team:

  • Recruitment: Cost-free for clients; team ready quickly.
  • Onboarding: Brief, focusing on integration with the client’s team/product.
  • Employment Costs: Known upfront; lower risk of turnover; tools and training included.
  • Termination: Typically brief notice, easier process.
  • Quality Control: Higher due to service standards.

Key Benefits of Outsourcing:

  • More flexibility, faster time to market, better access to new resources, and freedom in team composition.

Hiring Software Developers - Cost Simulation

A simulation showing the potential average costs of hiring developers with different experience levels over two years.

Costs for Different Levels:

  • Junior Developer: €96,600 for two years.
  • Mid-Level Developer: €156,600 for two years.
  • Senior Developer: €206,600 for two years.

Additional Costs (for each level over two years): Total €6600

  • Recruitment: €2000
  • Equipment: €2000
  • Employer Branding: €1000
  • Personal Development: €1600

Efficiency of Outsourcing

Working Days Calculation Over Two Years:

  • Total working days: 500
  • Days on annual leave: 56
  • Days spent on onboarding and adaptation: 60
  • Sick leave days: 7
  • Effective working days: 500 - 56 - 60 - 7 = 377


With holidays, weekends, and leave considered, there are only 377 effective working days in a 2-year period.

Statement: “Outsourcing is efficiency.”

How We Can Help:

  • Translate business needs into a realistic product vision.
  • Assemble a product-oriented team to meet your goals.
  • Find the best talent to augment your team.
  • Develop new apps from scratch or scale existing ones.
  • Improve your time to market.

Interested in outsourcing your development efforts? Contact us to discuss how we can help you find a balance between your needs, budget, and timelines.

Information regarding sources we used: We used rounded figures from Western European markets, including Germany, because these pay conditions are the most similar to those our clients operate under.